Private 1:1 life coaching sessions provide an opportunity for you to maximize personal and professional development. I coach women who are ready to create their next chapter, and massage therapists who want to build a thriving business without burnout.
Click here to schedule a consult call and discover how we can work together.
Unwind your mind, relax your body.
View offerings and request an appointment here.
We offer Spa Days at Demun Healing once a month. You’ll experience the nurturing benefits of Reiki, Sound Vibration and Reflexology in one - 2 1/2 hour session. Read more about these powerful sessions and book your experience here.
Coaching allows you to separate yourself from your thoughts so that you can create new solutions, and overcome obstacles. Massage enables the physical release and integration of emotions, further reducing stress and easing muscle tension.
These back-to-back services are a great option for anyone ready to overcome obstacles and then relax into results.
Click here to schedule your session.